The religion of a man is not the creed he professes but his life - what he acts upon, and knows of life, and his duty in it. A bad man who believes in a creed is no more religious than the good man who does not."
- Baden-Powell quoting Carlyle
About the scouting organization:
The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation's largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations. The BSA provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness. For over a century, the BSA has helped build the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun. The Boy Scouts of America believes — and, through over a century of experience, knows — that helping youth is a key to building a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society.
The BSA is made up of several organizations serving youth of various ages. The most commonly encountered branches of scouting are:
Cub Scouts - which serves boys and girls in kindergarten through 5th grade, Scouts BSA - which serves boys and girls in the 6th through 12th grade, and Venture - which serves boys and girls 14-20 years old.
The BSA is divided into over 300 councils including the Del-Mar-Va Council which includes Delaware, Maryland and parts of Virginia. There are 8 districts in the Del-Mar-Va Council; Pack 29 is in the Powder Mill District which roughly includes most of Delaware north of Rt 7.
Charter Organization

Each Cub Scout Pack is sponsored by a Chartered Organization; Pack 29's Chartered Organization is Red Clay
Creek Presbyterian Church. The Chartered Organization partners with The Boy Scouts of America to create a unit; Cub Scout, Troop, or Venture. Red Clay has been a proud parter of the Boy Scouts of America since 1919 with only a few interruptions.
The Charter Organization is responsible for the pack and for providing support, infrastructure and guidance to the local unit throughout the year.
Red Clay is also the location of Pack 29's weekly and monthly Meetings, the Pinewood Derby, the Blue and Gold Banquet, and other Pack and Den
Pack 29

The Pack has three key leaders. The Charter Organization Representative, who represents Red Clay and who has ultimate say over the unit and
it's activities. The Committee Chair, who operates the Pack Committee is responsible for all program activity, the "business" end of planning,
and ensuring BSA guidelines are followed. And, The Cubmaster who is the program leader and responsible for program execution and safety.
Click for a graphic illustration of the Cub Scout organization.
Pack 29 Details
Pack 29 is pleased to announce that it has earned the Gold Journey to Excellence award, with the added recognition of 100% Boys Life
participation! Well done!

The Journey to Excellence award is the council performance recognition program designed to encourage and reward success and measure the
performance of our units, districts, and councils. It is meant to encourage excellence in providing a quality program at all levels of the BSA.
The council recognizes 3 levels of Journey to Excellence achievement in ascending order; Bronze, Silver, & Gold.
Cub Scouts in Pack 29 may wear the Journey to Excellence emblem on their right sleeve. The patch can only be worn during the current year of scouting.
Pack 29 has about 80 Cub Scouts divided into Dens based on age/sex; our pack is considered large in size for the District.
New Lion Dens are added each Fall replacing the Webelos Scouts who "cross over" to Scouts BSA in Spring.
Pack 29 meets every Monday (It's best to click here to see the latest schedule...things do change unexpectedly!). Pack meetings are held at 6:30 pm at Red Clay Creek Presbyterian Church in Founders Hall.
Parents are strongly encouraged to attend every Pack meeting with their son.
The Pack holds many events throughout the year including the Pinewood Derby, where scouts build and race cars on Pack 29's computer-timed track; the Blue and Gold Banquet that honors scouting and is open to the scout's entire family; Pack campouts in the Fall and Spring, also open to the whole family; and other events.
Cub Scouting is a family activity, and Pack 29 includes the whole family in almost every event we do. We're continually working to make our pack a great place for boys to grow and have fun. Thinking about joining Pack 29? We'd love to have you! Contact any of our leaders for more information.