Join Cub Scouts
Few organizations are able to project an image as enduring and wholesome as The Boy Scouts of America. Duty to God and country,
camping, campfires, hiking, and serving the community with cheerful fellowship. That's what you think of when someone mentions
the Boy Scouts of America! And I believe that there are very few Americans who can't tell you that an Eagle Scout is someone to be
respected...even if they don't really know the particulars of what it took to become an Eagle Scout.
It's taken over 100 years for the Boy Scouts to earn the reputation they enjoy in our society. And I know that parents who are
looking for the right environment for their son and daughters to grow in won't regret it if they take their scout aged child to their nearest church or school and ask if they don't have a Scout unit their child can join.
I think all parents envision their children as being Eagle Scouts, but Eagle Scouts have to start somewhere and the place to do it is
in the Cub Scouts. The Cub Scouts is The Boy Scouts of America's program for younger boys and girls who are not ready to be full fledged members of Scouts BSA. Cubs Scouts, or Cubs as it is usually referred to, start as early as first grade and grows with the boys until they are Scouts BSA age at the end of fifth grade. The program itself is designed to meet the ages and stages of these early grade school years. Our kindergärtners/Lion's and First grade/Tigers, are accompanied by a parent partner to all events and activities, while Fifth grade Webelos are starting to learn how to camp as a small group led by adult leaders with fewer parents along. And in between the program scales to permit the scouts to explore and understand the same three goals that scouting has always espoused:
- Character - Think "Scout Law". A Scout is, Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
- Citizenship - meaning how we become good citizens in our country, community, and family.
- Physical Fitness - a scout is clean and fit in body and mind.
These are lofty goals for anyone but the magic of scouting is that the lessons come in the best classroom of all - the outdoors!
And when we suggest that the lessons come in the form of classes this is really stretching a point. The lessons come as the scouts
are having fun playing games, learning skills, and interacting with one another under the supervision of trained adult leaders.
One of the points I like to make to prospective Cub Scout parents is that this program is as much about families as it is about
scouting. Let me explain what I mean. If you enroll your child in some team sport where will you spend your time? On the sidelines? In the stands? or worse...manning the concession stand? And - where will your child spend their time? On the field or on the bench? In Cub Scouts we want to teach our boys & girls to have healthy, respectful relationships with adults so we want YOU to participate along with your son or daughter. This means that YOU can be a part of their scouting career - not just watching from the sidelines. And your scout, will definitely not be sitting on the sidelines. Scouts participate 100% of the time.
Still not convinced? Then why not stop by and visit and talk to some of our best advocates...our Cub Scouts themselves!
How to Join Cub Scouts

Joining is simple. All you have to do is be (or have) a boy or girl in kindergarten through fifth grades, or 6 to 10 years of age. Take them to any Cub Scout meeting. Meetings for Pack 29 are held at Red Clay
Creek Presbyterian Church on Monday evenings from 6:30pm - 7:30ish. Then you simply need to fill out a BSA Youth Application
and a Health Form.
Questions or looking for more information? email: Pack 29 along with your question and we will
get back to you promptly.